Thursday 21 June 2007

Boris, Towers and Chavs

Well, quite an interesting one today. Sent a present to Boris Johnson in recognition of his cogent comments regarding the state of Portsmouth - could not agree more really: the place is a tip.

Speaking of rubbish, I`ve included a picture of the Spinnaker Tower in Gunwharf Quays. What a complete and total waste of money. Yes, it may look quite impressive from the outside, but - if the wind is blowing in the wrong direction or is the `wrong type of wind`, then the external lifts cannot be used (for health and safety reasons). Shame the lift can`t go up like the budget projections when they were building the damn thing!!

Finally, on a more serious note (but still on the subject of flotsam and jetsam), some news from the local press. Leigh Park is perhaps Europe`s largest council estate (a few miles outside Portsmouth). The place is a concrete jungle with gangs of feral chavs wandering around, looking for some excuse to cause trouble. Unfortunately for Daniel Easterbrook this led to his death following a racist attack by himself and his `colleague`, Paul Mariner. After calling the staff `Pakis`, spitting in their faces, hitting them and then struggling with them while holding a knife, Easterbrook was accidentally killed. His killer, Jose Poulouse, got a sentence for eight years for manslaughter under provocation. As usual tributes poured out. Easterbrook`s sister said he was `outgoing...never had a bad word to say about anyone` (unless you are an Asian of course). The sad thing about all of this is that Mariner (who has a string of previous convictions, including assault and GBH) dragged Easterbrook into the violence; hopefully he will face prosecution for the actions that led to the death of his friend. Why anyone would want to open a business in Leigh Park beggars belief.

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