Tuesday 19 June 2007

Portsmouth - Quick Overview (Part 1)

Well, I had quite a day out today. I`m going to take pictures of Portsmouth using my mobile phone`s camera - this has two advantages:

1. A mobile phone is easier to carry - and harder to spot - than a camera. The advantage of this is that taking pictures will be a lot easier.

2. Related to point 1: I am less likely to get my head kicked in by outraged locals.

The pictures I`ve put up are of a view of the Guildhall Square. I`m also putting up shots of Mark (who has discovered some wrongdoings in Portsmouth City Council - nothing new there! I`ll take some shots of the Spinnaker Tower in the near future. Apparently, Centros Miller has been dishing out backhanders.)

For all of you who like watching Jeremy Kyle on the box, I`ve put up a picture of chavs in their natural environment: outside the court, awaiting hearings! I really wish I`d taken some photos a few hours earlier, as there was a herd of chavs loitering on the steps - I counted about 7 or 8 who seemed to be `related` to each other. Make of that what you will....

Enjoy. I`ll post again in the next day or so....

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